
To trust life, you have to trust others;  and to trust others, you have to trust yourself.

The Bhagavad Gita

I started re-reading ""The Speed of Trust"" this past week as I get to do a train the trainer in April for my new team on ""Smart Trust"" which I am super excited about.  When I started re-reading the book, I just kept smiling because just last week in a training, I was talking about how Trust is the foundation of everything.  Over the weekend I was talking about Trust with a friend.  In coaching I talk about creating the space for safety and trust.  When I talk about Trust, or read the concepts in the book, they resonate with my core being.  In short, I am passionate about Trust. If you haven't read ""The Speed of Trust,"" I highly recommend it.  For businesses it talks about the impacts financially to organizations that lack trust.  Trust is tangible and measurable.  Trust  defines leaders.  I especially enjoyed reading today the 13 Behaviors of High Trust Leaders.  If we all did these 13 things just once more in our day, we'd be building stronger selves, stronger teams, stronger communities, stronger states, stronger countries, and a stronger world.

  1. Talk straight

  2. Demonstrate Respect

  3. Create Transparency

  4. Right Wrongs

  5. Show Loyalty

  6. Deliver Results

  7. Get Better

  8. Confront Reality

  9. Clarify Expectations

  10. Practice Accountability

  11. Listen First

  12. Keep Commitments

  13. Extend Trust

I challenge you to take one of the 13 behaviors each week and focus on it, really focus on making a conscious change.  I also challenge you to get an accountability buddy at home and at work to give you feedback on how you're doing further implementing your behavior of the week. I look forward to hearing from you each week as you make a difference.




A New Avenue, A Proposition, and Gratitude