Karre S.

As you progressed through the coaching journey, how did it change things for you?

My perspective changed in a wonderful way. I found myself not placing blame on situations, myself or others and consciously taking credit for my actions. I also found myself being aware of decisions including small ones I wasn’t even thinking about before.

What strengths do you feel you have deepened an understanding of from the experience of coaching?

Awareness!! Consciousness – which is the same/similar. It is a huge turning point to have this.Humility. I am still correcting myself with the “buts” and “ands” and “yets” and it’s ok. It’s something I continue to work on and grow with and it feels good.

What new strategies have you developed as a result of coaching?

Thinking before I act. Making Pros and Con lists. Weighing my options. Putting my ambitions at the top of the list. Being grateful to myself, loving myself. That is a huge one!

How did you surprise yourself through coaching?

I flat out feel happier. I know that I can achieve whatever I put my mind to and that I am incredibly driven. I also found out I have influenced many of my friends in their lives to be positive and have goals and ambitions. It feels good to support and be supported by such great people and energy.

What do you see as the major insights or breakthroughs you made through coaching?

Being consciously happy, proud and most importantly – to enjoy the moments! Listening to the leaves on my hikes, feeling my breath while I run, taking a moment to take a deeeeeep breath when it rains and standing in the warm sunshine for a minute longer. Speaking of deep breaths, when I feel myself getting antsy/anxious I just take a moment to myself to gather my thoughts and not feel so unraveled.

What was the thing you benefited from the most in coaching?

All of it. Holding myself accountable, making goals, achieving goals, and again – consciousness of my thoughts, words, and actions.

What will you now do differently?

I have been doing the above differently. I was in a frazzled place and I’ve left that behind.

You know my life’s purpose is to radiantly illuminate passionate possibilities for you to live empowered. How was I radiant?

When you talk I can hear the passion to illuminate passionate possibilities in others in your voice. I can tell you’re smiling and it’s inspiring for others to reach that point.

What was illuminated?

My everyday. Going to work, getting out on a run, playing with my dog.

Where did you connect to passion? Where did you see me connecting to passion?

I connected to passion when we identified my core values. I was feeling torn in so many directions, at a crossroad of many paths and confused. It was as simple as helping me identify what was important to me and what made me excited to do so. You connected when you saw/heard me getting it. When I wasn’t placing blame or being a victim.

What’s possible because of coaching with me?

My new job. I think I would have moved back to Seattle had I not been able to realize what is most important to me. My top core value is adventure and Austin has given this to me in more ways than one. Not only is it a new city to explore my job has offices all over the US and an incredibly flexible schedule that allows me to travel and pursue my values in life. Doesn’t get much better  I also feel less stressed and angry. I’m not placing blame on situations, myself or other people and am aware of my decisions which leaves little room for regret and more room for joy.

What does living empowered mean to you?

Being inspired. Enthusiastic! Following your dreams, whatever those may be. Mine is to live in many cities, meet amazing people and tap into my creativity daily. I want to explore and travel and pay off my student loans. It’s all happening!

What 3 adjectives would you use to describe Mara?

Inspirational, Constructive, Motivating.

What would you say to people thinking of working with me?

Mara will inspire you to take life by the reins and achieve your dreams with positive guidance, conscious decisions and affirmation. You will be gifted with a new freedom, passion and outlook on your immediate life and the world.


Mike R.


Hadi A.